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Christine Ang ツ
14 years old
5th October 1996
I like being happy

Sweet Escape

Carmen Stella Cheryl Syafiqah Felicia Natalie Cherie Nicole Lim Tammy Cynthia Chew Peng Alexandrea Tricia Jacinth Shalyn
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 @ 6:46 AM
Definition: A period away from work for REST.
Meaning: During the school Holidays, NO studying allowed(:
So... : Eat, Sleep, Die, Slack , go out and play
word used wrongly by, : studying during the holidays, going for extra classes during the holidays, going for tuition during the holidays, working your asses off( camps excluded=D)

That means, no studying(: but many people in this world, especially Singapore have been using the word wrongly. Say no to studying and use the word correctly!
haha sudden eh??? i feel this is JUSTICE to students in Singapore! Because, studying only squeezes the crap and life out of us! No need to work your asses off, just slack that time off!

Come on, give us students a break, say no to tuition, remedials, supplementary and studying!!! :D riot time!
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