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christine says hi

Christine Ang ツ
14 years old
5th October 1996
I like being happy

Sweet Escape

Carmen Stella Cheryl Syafiqah Felicia Natalie Cherie Nicole Lim Tammy Cynthia Chew Peng Alexandrea Tricia Jacinth Shalyn
Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 5:32 AM

i am posting on my blog.
i am posting on my blog which is on the internet.
i am posting on my blog which is on the internet using my laptop.
i am posting on my blog which is on the internet using my laptop while sitting on my bed.

OK I SHALL NOT CONTINUE! haha! I did that with Carmen and Syafiqah once while chatting on msn in a joint conver. i was so bored and was being random. Carmen and Sya were talking about the 6JOY reunion and after their conver ended, it was silent, so off i went!!=D(not exact)

Christine:Rubber Band
Stretchy Rubber Band.
Yellow Stretchy Rubber Band
Syafiqah: O.O
Christine: Fun Yellow Stretchy Rubber Band
Carmen: HUH?! i want pink =D
Christine: Fun Yellow and Pink Stretchy Rubber Band

and then, i stopped. Because i went to get food ._. then afterwards, i continued until we finally found a topic to start on. HEY IT HELPS US BRAINSTORM, not brainstop.

Okay, anyway this post was specially dedicated to Mavis, as she asked me to post. otherwise, i would be watching TV right now. On my couch. In my living room, in my house. At my Block, at my neighbourhood-- Okay Okay i shall stop!
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