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christine says hi

Christine Ang ツ
14 years old
5th October 1996
I like being happy

Sweet Escape

Carmen Stella Cheryl Syafiqah Felicia Natalie Cherie Nicole Lim Tammy Cynthia Chew Peng Alexandrea Tricia Jacinth Shalyn
Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 1:40 AM
Let's take a quiz that Kelly & Carmen sabo-ed me to do(:

1)Are you single or attached?
I'm currently single (:

2) How old are you?
Still a kid, 12 (: 13 on 5th October09'

3)Do you have a person your in love with?

4) What's the name of the person your in love with?
Crushes aren't supposed to be revealed are they ;)

5)If the person you loved and your mother dropped into the sea, who would you save first?
Tough, so i'll jump in and perish with them.

6)Have you ever hugged someone before?

7) Do you love your parents?
Well, yeah of course.

8)Will you hug the one you love?
OF COURSE! Tightly(:

9) Are you willing to do anything for your girlfriend/boyfriend?
Well, it really depends on how much i love him & what he wants me to do.

10) Who was the last person that messaged you, what was the message?
Nashra Ahmad : Well, i was thinking of organising a class reunion.

11)Who is in your clique?
2008: A bunch of girls i really love.
2009: I don't actually have a clique now, i just go mixing around and sit with whoever i see is bored.

12) Who are your best friends?
I don't rate my friends, every single one of them are very special to me.

13)Do you smoke?
No, anti-smoker.

14) If your girlfriend/boyfriend was a two-timer, what would you do?
Inner-me, GRAB HIM, SLAP HIM, PUNCH HIM, KICK HIM, SLAM HIM on the ground, JUMP ON HIM, FLING him to the frying pan, FRY HIM, COOK HIM, use a knife to SLASH HIM, CHOP HIM then FEED HIM to the dogs. Well, that would be SHORT of what i would do.
(Actually, i'd just break up with him. I can't share my guy with another girl!)

15)If you found out you had a disease, what would you do?

16)Which CCA are you in now?

17) If you were rich, what would you do?
Rich? Live life as a normal teenage girl?

18) If the one you loved held your hand, what would you do ?
I'd Never let go .

19)If the one you loved rejected you, what would you do?
I never thought of that- confessing or being rejected.

20) What is your favourite cartoon character?
I want to draw them not favouritize them.

21) What's your personality?
Ask Simon Cowell?

22) Friendship or Love?
Is this a trick question? Friendship requires and needs Love.

23)Cookie monster or Elmo?
Cookie Monster! :D

24)Who is your idol?
I idolize people for their talent and confidence to stand out from the crowd. No particular one.

25)Who do you wish to marry?
Some Guy that's just my type.

26)Do you like to eat lollipop?
YES! Strawberry flavour is loved.

27)Who are you afraid of?
THE BOOGIE MAN!!! (sarcastically. Actually i'm afraid of no one)

28) Who was your first crush?
This guy... happened in third grade.

29)If you were GOING to die, who would you think of first?
At first, if i was GOING to die (at the brink of death) , i'd think about whether i'd be able to live on or survive in the first place.

30) If you were kidnapped, who would you call to rescue you ?
God? LOL no phones would be 'available' so i'd rely on my voice.

31)Who do you think you are?

32) There's an admirer that won't die heart, what would you do?
Charge him for stalking me and disturbing me. ._. LOL!
say all those stuff people say on television when they are rejecting someone?

33)If your clique quarrels, what would you do ?
A person like me would join in the quarell, the weird part of me would tell them to shut up and sort it out.

34)If you can have your hair dyed, what colour would it be?
Well, if they invent a hair dye that doesn't damage the hair it would be a mixture of different browns.

35) If your idol came to the country, what would you do?
I have no idols? But if i were to imagine then.... I'd go, LETS STALK HIM/HER/THEM!

36)If your idol shakes your hand, how would you react?
I would put super glue on my hand before shaking ;D stuck together forever. LOL

37)Who was the last person you chatted with on MSN?
Nicole Yong

38)If your boyfriend/girlfriend does not love you anymore, what would you do?
Once i see the signs, I'd kill him. (haha) break up with him and my heart?

39)If your boyfriend/girlfriend can't live for more then 1 week, what would you do?
I'd stay with him. Though, i'd let his family members be with him too. Then at the time of his death, i'd be by his side with his family.

40)What would you wear on your first date?
Depends on my mood(:

41)Do you like your form teacher?
Yes, of course.

42) What subject(s) do you like?
Is Recess or PE a subject??

43)If you had to present something to the one you love and the whole school, what would you do?
Of course i would not freak and run away. I'd stay true to my word and present no matter how nervous i am.

44) Sabo 10 more people to do the quiz.
I shall skip this question.
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