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christine says hi

Christine Ang ツ
14 years old
5th October 1996
I like being happy

Sweet Escape

Carmen Stella Cheryl Syafiqah Felicia Natalie Cherie Nicole Lim Tammy Cynthia Chew Peng Alexandrea Tricia Jacinth Shalyn
Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 3:38 AM
my scary ghost story
POSTING ON PET ROCKET AND THE NICE NICE JOKE>I was so bored today i suddenly remembered the ghost story' our instructor told us during the catholic camp 09'. I shall tell you the spooky tale. MUST READ ON HOR!

There was one day, at midnight, a guy just came back from work. He had to take a train back home so he waited. he was taking the Last train for the day. When it arrived, he went into the Last cargo. When he entered, there was a lady inside sitting down all alone, with no one else in the whole cargo or train. She was wearing a long white dress and had long black hair. She seemed to be looking down. He then stood near a railing as he was getting down in a few stops time. Suddenly, he felt a foul smell. It was very smelly and was coming from the lady sitting down. Suddenly the lady walked up to him and said..........


Today, nothing interesting happened. Only weird and weirder. today CIP talk. SEC1 extra. so i tired, so i sleep. Go out of hall, turn right, see Janice. Janice is a 'bad' omen cos whenever i see her, i see Devil. And yeah, i did see Devil. then blah normal class boring. THen pet rocket. Me and carmen were like.. whatever. Then sec 2D helped us. Apparently, jacobbina and alicia whom yun yi and carmen know are inside. AHH no one i know inside. Anyway jacobbina come finding carmen and natalie. Then at our table. Then apparently, she was our somehow trainer. i think. i don't know how too. Carmen was weird. Natalie was enthusiastic. I was like, hi. Then this trainer of ours is very weird. She was from CHIJ BT/OLQP and apparently knows me as Carmen's partner for pet rocket, or christine ang as said on my name tag. She say alot of weird things through this 'process' but, i think its not meant to be posted. She left also, for some theory. carmen and i , rush rush rush to do. End up, the rocket, was , undescribable. In a crappy way. yeah. Then. yeah. i totally sound dead now. haha oh yeah. saw tricia at BPP. she was like.
whole BPP can hear. then i faster tel carmen hurry take out nametag-_- yeah thats about it. cant wait for pet rocket shooting(:
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