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christine says hi

Christine Ang ツ
14 years old
5th October 1996
I like being happy

Sweet Escape

Carmen Stella Cheryl Syafiqah Felicia Natalie Cherie Nicole Lim Tammy Cynthia Chew Peng Alexandrea Tricia Jacinth Shalyn
Friday, August 21, 2009 @ 3:46 AM
I'm thinking of ABANDONING my blog! It's so... troublesome. HAHAHA. I updated today, cos i realised my blog OUTDATED. From now on, my blog would be dead, unless i somehow become not lazy ;D
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Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 10:42 PM
hello, natasha asked me to post, so there you go!
the CA2s, aka the die die season is finally overr!!! After studying like crazy:D ITS RElAXATION TIME!!
Now, every week during guitar, we have to spend AT LEAST 15 minutes playing SPORTS!!! Because, they said later we unfit, because all we do
is sit down and play with strings. Y-yeah. -__-
WE PLAYED CAPTAINS BALL!! Though i was over there at the side talking to chew peng because i was lazy to play :\
okay, nothing to talk about alr. BYE;D
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HIHI :) NANANANA, NANANANA, HEYYYY GOODBYE, exams! BLOG REVIVED :O I POSTEDD! I'm thinking of ABANDONING my blog! It's so... tro... hello, natasha asked me to post, so there you go!t... i won't be posting no more! about yesterday and today:D christine doesn't like homework! So many projects!