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christine says hi

Christine Ang ツ
14 years old
5th October 1996
I like being happy

Sweet Escape

Carmen Stella Cheryl Syafiqah Felicia Natalie Cherie Nicole Lim Tammy Cynthia Chew Peng Alexandrea Tricia Jacinth Shalyn
Saturday, July 18, 2009 @ 4:34 AM
So many projects!
I realise that in STC there are SO many projects!! maybe at least once a week?? It really stresses us out. Now there is the value ed one- the olympics thing, literature leaflet thing and the math project! We just finished the geography project! And whats more the math project is a whole 70% of the CA2!! I don't want anymore projects! I'm meeting Natasha, Ming Lim and Yun yi tomorrow at natasha's grandparents house for the math project. We also did the lit project at mavis's house with natasha,tammy and carmen. ): So tiring!
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I'm Sick!! ): A new, temporary skin As you can see, my blog is ABIT weirder, as in the... dead blogg RE: PREVIOUS POST BEWARE OF VAMPIRE CHICKENS! hello! MY SPLENDID IDEA whoo! LET'S RIOT!