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christine says hi

Christine Ang ツ
14 years old
5th October 1996
I like being happy

Sweet Escape

Carmen Stella Cheryl Syafiqah Felicia Natalie Cherie Nicole Lim Tammy Cynthia Chew Peng Alexandrea Tricia Jacinth Shalyn
Friday, July 31, 2009 @ 11:56 PM
i won't be posting no more!
HEY! I posted this post because i wanted to tell you something important in this post. :D I... AM NOT GONNA POST FROM NOW, till further notice!! (:
Reasons why i'm not gonnna post till further notice:
1) I'm far too lazy
2) Posting now and then is troublesome
3) Exams are coming up, and i STUDY! :]

So... I'm not gonna post! Maybe at the end of the CA2 i might continue posting, depending on my laziness or mood. See, this is why i gave up on blogging twice and deleted my other two blogs from last time:)

Okay, see ya!
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Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ 2:47 AM
about yesterday and today:D

Went to the movies with Ming Lim, Phoebe and Carmen. Me and Carmen had to take a cab there as we were running late! We watched it at Shaw Centre, Lido. 'IT' refers to HARRY POTTER & THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE!
I found it okay, though many people said it was boring. The cinema had SO LITTLE PEOPLE! Less then half! Ate Nachos then said Byebye to Phoebe And Ming Lim and went shopping with my mom and carmen at Orchard the Zara and Espirit:D SALE!


Today, we experienced being rich:D We went to a restaurant in Orchard Hotel that was so CLASSY! We went there to celebrate my brother's birthday, belated. the serving was SO BIG! I wouldn't have been able to finish what i finished if i had my breakfast and dinner! ;D There was a HUGE corn cob and me and my father played the 'CornCob- Typewriter' thing. If you had watched the show where the person used the corn cob as a typewriter, you would get what i mean:D
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Friday, July 24, 2009 @ 3:08 AM
christine doesn't like homework!
i was bored, so i decided to post :) and i realised, I REALLY HATE HOMEWORK! I mean its so annoying! And you have to do SO many things even before you get started like,
1) walk to your bag
2) open the zip
3) Take out the pencil case
4) Search for your homework
5) Take out your homework
6) Bring all of it to a table
7) Unzip the pencil case
8) Take out a pen
9) Move your hands
10) Combine movements to make the pen move
11) Make ink flow through
12) Rack your brains for the questions
13)and continue from step 9 until your done.

So many steps just to do your homeworkk! i don't like it (:
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Saturday, July 18, 2009 @ 4:34 AM
So many projects!
I realise that in STC there are SO many projects!! maybe at least once a week?? It really stresses us out. Now there is the value ed one- the olympics thing, literature leaflet thing and the math project! We just finished the geography project! And whats more the math project is a whole 70% of the CA2!! I don't want anymore projects! I'm meeting Natasha, Ming Lim and Yun yi tomorrow at natasha's grandparents house for the math project. We also did the lit project at mavis's house with natasha,tammy and carmen. ): So tiring!
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@ 4:34 AM
So many projects!
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Sunday, July 12, 2009 @ 4:54 PM
I'm Sick!! ):
Arggh! I'm sick!! D: And there are still SO many undone projects!!Math project, Geography project! So daomei, this year. First chicken pox, then now HIGH HIGH fever. ): and i had my period on BOTH occasions!! yeah, yesterday i went to jurong library to do the geog project, with carmen, pulara and jean. The whole time i was sneezing, and REALLY cold like Jean, Carmen and Pulara. We ate and drank at the library and the security guard somehow found out, and when we were leaving, they said they knew we were eating and asked us to go out : Whooops.
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Saturday, July 11, 2009 @ 6:10 AM
A new, temporary skin
HEY!! AS you can see, the skin was changed to this, monster.. head. That's cos my other skin had problems, and it was too troublesome to change it, so, tadaa, this is the skin for now, till i find a neww suitable one :D
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@ 4:41 AM
As you can see, my blog is ABIT weirder, as in the way it looks, because of the template and all, but who cares, it still looks OKAY :D & partly because i'm too lazy to edit it BACK.
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009 @ 2:40 AM
dead blogg
Hello. I realised my blog VERY dead, and unupdated, so decided to update, actually was supposed to post about the ice skating thing on saturday, went with natalie(: but com got problem, so it'll take awhile to upload the pictures. :P
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HIHI :) NANANANA, NANANANA, HEYYYY GOODBYE, exams! BLOG REVIVED :O I POSTEDD! I'm thinking of ABANDONING my blog! It's so... tro... hello, natasha asked me to post, so there you go!t... i won't be posting no more! about yesterday and today:D christine doesn't like homework! So many projects!